Thursday, August 9, 2007

living your dream

What a week it has been for me, hope yours has not been half as stressed as mine who says it is easy to be your own madam. Sometimes I envy people who do “9-5 jobs”, at the end of the month they can collect their salary without having any worry. Month- ends is always a bother for me cause am thinking of paying salaries and stocking up and of course chasing my debtors. This brings me to my musing for today- living your dream
I remember how when I was still a little younger and I would be daydreaming about what my life would be like when I grow older, what I wanted to be. I used to dream that I would be chauffeur- driven in a limo and people would be at my beck and call, that I would be a famous artist, designer, entrepreneur. I would dream that I would have a one-stop shopping mall where you can get it all. I dreamt O! Yes I dreamt. I even dreamt that I got married to prince Charles (lol). Well I had all the big dreams and much more. Am I living my dreams yet? Yes and no, I am not yet there but right now I can see a clear direction of where I am going and where I want to be some years down the line-definitely a big time designer showing my stuff on the runways of Milan, Paris, London, you name it. I can see myself affecting my generation and telling my story, that if I can, so can you. Well I did not marry prince Charles but I do have my own Prince and much more.
I met a famous T.V personality today and she was telling about her schedule and her having to travel here and there and all the people she had to see and all, yeah I could see that she was stressed out, yet I could feel her passion for her work, and what crossed my mind was-is she living her dream? And I thought she most certainly must.
So feel free to dream cause to live a life devoid of dreams is to live no life at all and do live your dreams CIAO


tokotaya said...

hey! niceone... u know life is to be thot of like an empty canvass and ur dreams are what you want to paint on it.... ur tools and ow u paint ur future is thus a function of ow u relate with ur dreams. SO DREAMS CAN TRULY AFFECT YOUR PERCEPTION OF WHERE WATEVER IT IS YOU BELIEVE IN IS TAKING YOU.

horse`s mouth said...

sis,dreamers are achievers.i think it is about looking at the big picture.your story indeed carries alot of motivation along with it.i tell all my friends how you left your white-collar job to become a tailor(opps!a fashion designer)and to say the very least, i am proud of the way,did u realy think you were going to be another "princess diana".a black woman this time? yeah,rght!

tokotaya said...

2 h.mouth;
yeah i was hoping to be the first BLACK AND PROUD princess of wales before camilla upstaged me but i will be back!!!!!!!