it has been over a year that i wrote on this blog,when i first started i intended to do this as often as possible but my
internet connection was so slow it was a huge task even
openning blogger at all. well i plan to start over now that i have gotten a new operator.
what has happened in the last one year,
hmmmmmmmmm i had a baby,that is it, once i put to bed i decided i want to get a new lease of life, i was beginning to get bored with my life,before my 2
nd baby when i had the first one i felt i had lost a bit of myself and my self confidence basically
becos i had gained a lot of weight not that i was a
lepa before but gaining as much as 12 kg just like that can be a lot on one`s psyche( i hear it
a lot in my line of work).it was huge for me cos i did not really feel attractive, i
cld not understand what kind of clothes would fit my new body(even though i am a designer), the things i liked to wear before now no longer looked good on my new found body.when i had my 2
nd baby i think i was better prepared, and i had put myself on a diet to control my weight, i learnt one important issue: love the body u have now and u r one step away from looking as good as u want to.someone once told me God made big, small,fat ,slim and all shapes and sizes cos it would have been such a boring world without the variety.i am not my ideal weight but am dealing with and
accepting whatever size am now i can still look GOOD. i try to wear what i like now thanks to body
shapers(for u out there that have tummy issues i strongly recommend) so i
obsess less
abt my flabby tummy.i do feel better about myself, i try to go out more and see what is happennin around cos i realise once u r an entreprenuer,there is tendency to work 24/7 without giving urself some space.i learning to dream big and live even bigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!